Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Haunted Houses

Okay so earlier I was watching the latest episode of New Girl (took me awhile to warm up to it but now, I love that show!!). And one of the characters on there said "relationships are like haunted houses: you walk in all confident and then it's not anything like you thought. It's scary!!" I totally have to agree with him about that. Anyway, I just wanted to get that out there. But I can't leave this without giving you a little treat. So here ya go.

"Darkness falls across the land. The midnight hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood to terrorize y'all's neighborhood. And those whosoever shall be found without the soul for getting down, must stand and face the hounds of Hell and rot inside a corpse's shell. The foulest stench is in the air, the funk of forty thousand years, and grisly ghouls from every tomb are closing in to seal your doom. And though you fight to stay alive, your body starts to shiver. For no mere mortal can resist the evil of the Thriller."

- Hop Along
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Monday, October 29, 2012

London Bridge Isn't Falling Down

Everywhere I look, I see things going wrong. Well sort of. People's relationships are failing, marriages falling apart, everybody's all moody, I just don't get it. Is the stress of the economy hitting that hard?? Is it the full moon?? The solar flares?? The election?? The hurricane?? I try to keep positive but with so much negativity around me, I'm finding that very difficult. I'm losing interest in the things I once felt good doing. I fell off my diet a long time ago; I've been eating things I know I shouldn't, not exercising as strenuously, not drinking enough water. I feel like I don't even care. Even I'm moody and grouchy. My fuse seems a lot shorter than it used to be. I get irritated at the slightest thing. Argh!! What the hell??!! I need some freakin peace in my life!! I'm trying to find things that help ME to perk up, but it's hard to focus. Maybe it isn't as bad as I think...maybe things really are getting better. *shrug*

*listening to "Given Up" by Linkin Park*

--Hop Along

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Sunday, October 28, 2012


Whooooo!! It is brisk out there!! Last night we went to the Zombie Walk; the only after-dark parade I know of, where people dress up (like zombies, obviously) and walk up and down the street. Usually this brings out the deep creativity in people. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the faces of most of them because I found myself shuffling along BEHIND them. It was still really cool! We saw a clown, a guy that looked like he came from the video game Call of Duty, and clacking by on stacked heels was (what I interpreted as) a zombie drag queen. Or it coulda just been a guy playing a woman. *shrug* don't know. Kinda hard to tell, but it was obvious that he was a bit effeminate. So he was probably used to wearing heels and girl's clothes. Anyway... The costumes and makeup were pretty cool and some of the people would walk up to the restaurant windows and slap on the glass snarling and gnashing their teeth. The patrons were quite delighted. Cameras and camera phones were out snapping and flashing.
And then when all was said and done, we all gathered around and watched as the zombies broke out into the Thriller dance. It was awesome!!!!!

-Hop Along

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Friday, October 26, 2012

We Have Nothing to Fear But Fear Itse--AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never understood people's desire to purposely scare themselves. I don't like being afraid. It is one if my baser instincts that I give into by default. If my mind doesn't like something my eyes are seeing, it's first reaction is to be afraid of it. Horror movies, haunted mansion/prison tours, skydiving, cliff jumping, doing anything scary for FUN??...I don't get it. So please tell me why I subjected myself (for the second time) to the "best haunted funhouse in America"?? I admit that I did have fun. But I was also scared shitless. There was a point when I literally almost wet myself. True story. No joke. Not funny. Stop laughing.
We went through, and there were actors making loud sudden noises behind the walls, at times even under your feet. Some, wearing masks, were mixed in amongst gruesome and gory mannequins would follow you closely as you would walk by, growling or moaning in your ear. (Some would just stare at you menacingly.) Others would walk out of the shadows shouting, and still others would stand stalk-still until you thought they were mannequins, and at the last minute would jump at you screaming. Then we would come out of the house and think the scary part was over (*big sigh of relief*) when an actor would suddenly charge from the shadows and chase you with a roaring chainsaw!! (*Somehow manage to keep control of bladder**run, scream*) One guy at the end of the walk chased several girls right out into the parking lot. (I laughed at them cuz it wasn't me.)
There was one part where we went on a hayride and were allowed to use paintball guns to shoot any zombies we saw. That was awesome!! Then we had to go through another house while wearing 3D glasses. There were strobe lights, fog machines, a couple of parts in complete darkness, mannequins, animatronics, scary masks, scary makeup, different themes for each was AWESOME!!
My voice is hoarse, my throat is sore, my toes are cold, but I will go to sleep tonight and not have any bad dreams because my body is in adrenaline crash mode. (Kinda like a caffeine or sugar crash but for the adrenal glands. Also, because I got these little things called sleeping pills...perfect for inducing dreamless sleep.)
My point is, I STILL don't get it, about the being-scared-on-purpose-for-fun thing, but I had a blast tonight.

...uugh, I'm gonna look and feel like a zombie when I get up.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself...and spiders." <~ something I have on a pin, and I totally agree with it.

--Hop Along

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So Like I Was Saying...

Anyway, where was I?? Oh yeah, talking about not being in a relationship. You know, a friend of mine just got me to thinking about something that is SO TRUE: men seem to have more confidence than women. Now, ladies, don't start a riot, let me have a chance to explain. Okay, you have to let go of the fact that the info came a man in the first place, and then you have to just swallow the bitter pill: he's right. This is how he explained it, he said that a man will approach a woman and try to chat her up. He could be the ugliest dude in the club, and yet he will get up the gumption to come and speak. She could even tell him that he's ugly and he will simply smile and say "I may be ugly on the outside but it's up to you to find the beauty within." (My friend then says, half-joking, that you then wake up the next morning trying to figure out how he snookered you into a relationship.)
A woman on the other hand will spot a handsome man, and admire him from a distance, all the while telling herself that he wouldn't be interested in her anyway, that he's probably into the model types. Very rarely (if ever) will a woman gather her courage and approach the handsome man.
I WANNA KNOW WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Why do we defeat ourselves before we have even begun?? Why do we automatically get insecure and make excuses that we have no proof of?? Why do we talk ourselves out of what COULD be a good situation. I mean, even if no relationship comes of it (and you don't have to have a relationship come out of every encounter), you could have a great new friend. Or, maybe he is Prince Charming. *shrug* Either way, we won't know because we're too afraid to take that chance in the first place.
You know what though?? Someone told me one time, and I figure this to be true on some level as well, that it's the man's job to prove to the woman that he is worthy of her time. I mean, think about it, even in the animal kingdom, the male of almost every species the males have to perform some feat of prowess to impress the female for the right to mate with her. He has to prove his worth. Well, I don't see why the same can't be said of humans. I mean, no woman wants a weak man to father her children. So I figure in the first encounter, the male should approach the female. However, if a female should see an acceptable suitor, she shouldn't feel any less about herself for wanting to approach him. I say grow some balls and walk right up to him and prove to him that he would be the luckiest man around just to be seen talking to you!!

*Listening to "Stole My Heart" by Little and Ashley*

~~ Hop Along

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Another Day, Another Dollar

Well, here I am at work. (I'm on lunch right now, that's how I have time to blog.) I have been letting my mind wander a lot today. I zoned out so bad this morning on my way to work, I ended up passing my exit. I don't even remember what I was thinking about. I had to reign it in when I was doing detail-oriented duties at work. Attention to detail and all that. Can't be slacking when you have a security job. That's how you maintain job security. Lol. I know, that was lame.
Man, it got cold outside. Yesterday, it was about 80 degrees; today, it's down to about 50. And windy. I hope it dies down by this evening. I have plans to go to Creepy World.
One thing that keeps crossing my mind is relationships and my lack of one. Not that I NEED a relationship to define me, no, that's not what I'm saying. What I AM saying is that I am not in a relationship and I'm not looking either. I will flirt my butt off, but don't expect anything to come of it. Not happening. More on that subject later. Gotta go make these pennies.

P.S. Saw this yesterday, still haven't figured out what it means, but I like the way it sounds:
"Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything. That's how light gets in."

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

I Dream a Little Dream...

So the other night I had this really weird dream. There was something scary about it at first (I can't remember what) and so I woke myself twitching. I could feel myself grinding my teeth so I got up and put in my mouth guard and thought to myself that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep now, let alone go back into the dream. There was something about the dream that made me want to continue it. Something unresolved, perhaps. Well, lo and behold, I did actually continue with the same dream. Now, I don't remember all the details of the dream, and what I do remember, some of it just doesn't make any sense...but the part that I still think about was this: How I felt. I could feel this deep sense of longing, of wanting something so bad, and not wanting to lose it. In the dream there was a guy named Josh, and apparently he and I had broken up and it had been about a week or so since the breakup. And I remember telling Josh (whoever he is, because I don't know anyone named Josh) that I felt that he and I belonged together, that we couldn't give up even if we wanted to. I told him that his scent was on my heart and that I smelled deeply of him (whatever the hell that means, but in the dream it made sense as only dream stuff does). I don't remember him talking or saying anything back, but I could sense that he agreed with me, that he didn't want to be apart either.
     The dream slipped into some other weirdness that made sense only in my sleeping mind but I will continue to think about Josh and our connection. I mean, was that some sort of premonition?? Or was it wishful thinking?? Was it my subconscious replaying part of my recent past in a more positive light?? (I sure as hell hope not.) I know one thing...I want to find Josh, whoever he is. After all, his scent is on my heart.

BTW, that is actually a picture of me when I was about 4.

- Hop Along

Early to Bed, Early to Rise...

I didn't go to bed early, but I sure am early to rise. I woke up at 5:30 this morning and haven't been back to sleep since. Only one of two days when I can sleep in and here I am wide a-freaking-wake. Just ain't fair. I was hoping that I would dream so I could wake up and try to analyze it, but wasn't graced with that either. Oh well. I do have a dream that I want to keep remembering. I will talk about that later I think. I have a few things I didn't do yesterday that I can try to get done today. For now I'm going back to reading my book. I'm reading A Game of Thrones. Really good series. I'm on the third book: A Storm of Swords.
Man, I am really hungry right now. Maybe I'll go ahead and get up and eat and then go back to reading.

"The sun is rising. The light comes to chase shadows back to their corners. Winter is coming." - A Game of Thrones

- Hop Along

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Woke up just shy of 9 this morning and saw that it was a beautiful day. And I have nothing to do...except laundry. And make a few phone calls. And clean my room. And get my stuff ready for work.  Okay, so I do have a few things to do but, no appointments, nowhere to go, nothing that absolutely MUST be done today. I can choose to sit around all day if I want. I LOVE that. Especially since it's been a long week for me at work. I busted my butt the past few days. And if it wasn't already so great that it's not raining for once, it's actually warm out. I can get outside and do something too. Like exercise...I can do my yoga outside if I wanna. (Didn't do it when I got up like I normally do.) Today, the world is my oyster. I just hope it's the one that has the pearl in it.

Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Let's GOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Hop Along

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Darkness Falls

Well, I'm going to bed now. It's not even really that late and I don't have to go to work tomorrow the evening wears on, I have acquired a headache, and I'm getting irritable and grouchy because I'm tired and I really wouldn't mind some quiet time alone (but kids don't seem to understand that). So, I have dismissed the kids, and now it's just me and my book.....and my headache until the meds kick in.
Good night all. I should have plenty to talk about (I've been having strange, almost-make-sense dreams). Should be an interesting journey into the medicated subconscious.

Hop Along!! - Bad Bunny

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Here We Go Again...

And so begins yet another blog. I had to delete my other one because...I don't even want to go into it. I had to delete it. End of story.
     I'm starting a new life. A new me. Well, that's what I plan to do. But it's easier said than done. Not to mention some things that I would like to change seem to want to stay the same. I want to change the way people see me. I want to change my financial situation. Firstly, I want to change the way I think. I think that's the hardest thing. I mean, I do yoga every morning (well, ALMOST every morning) and I try to calm my mind and spirit, and yet when I enter a particular situation (interacting with my ex...), I start to have serious anxiety attacks. I don't know what to do to make it stop. I try thinking of something calming. I try to breathe deeply and apply my meditation methods all to no avail. I always walk away feeling shaky and sick to my stomach.  I try to tell myself that because we are only recently broken up, that dealing with him will be awkward for awhile. But I also know that there is an energy about him. A negative energy that I can sense and it affects me. I just have to figure out how to turn myself off to his negative vibe.

Besides that, work is going well. I enjoy my new duties. I love not being stuck in one place all the time. I love not knowing what's next. I love the variety, however so slight.  Money wise, I'm doing alright. I feel like nothing much has changed there. Although I did accomplish some things recently that would have been harder, if not impossible while living in my apartment.

Regarding the company I keep...It cracks me up to see all the guys at work flirting with me. A couple of them have come right out and said that they like me. Here's the thing though: one of them is unavailable, he has a girlfriend that he lives with. And yet he very openly flirts with me, as though anything could come of it.  The other guy...he's really nice, and in another life, I might have even considered giving him a shot. But I have taken a vow of non-fraternization: I am NOT going to date another coworker. I will flirt and tease until the cows come home, but nothing will come of any of it. I have learned my lesson as far as that goes.
     My best friend remains, as always, the best. He bothers me with some of the things he says but, because he's my friend, I can take it all with a large grain of salt, build a bridge and get over it, ya know??  I would like to acquire more female friends and go and hang out with them all the time. But I also know that if I had more friends, I would seek to be alone more often. I'm trying to find the happy medium.
Well, anyway, I feel like I need a nap. Gonna go lie down. Or read. Or something.

"It's all about me. Deal with it" - Happy Bunny