Thursday, February 14, 2013

Where Is The Love??

Smooching, hugging, touching, holding hands, heart shapes, teddy bears, and love...all of this has been adversely commercialized for this thing we call Valentine's Day. On any regular day any of those things would be considered sweet, but not really given a second thought otherwise. It's all great if you're in a relationship. Well, sort of. Valentine's Day puts a pressure on everyone that just...isn't fair. For those who aren't in a relationship with that "special someone" (or for the cheating dogs, someones) you feel as though you HAVE to be with someone, or that you are some sort of loser if you're not. I have to admit that I have fallen into the thought pattern of that second category.
This year, Valentine's day is a little bittersweet for me. Exactly a year ago, I was back together with my ex, we were talking about getting married, we went and had pictures taken and I was happy (at least, I thought I was). This year...well, we're not together, I can barely stand the sight of him. I'm single and still wondering how the hell last year even happened.

I do my best to hide it, but it still hurts. I thought I was over it, but no, it still hurts. Only makes it worse that everyone around me is with someone. Most of them are happy. A few are just making do. Me, I just feel....

Oh, I know I'm NOT going to be alone forever, I'm just wondering what's the shift in the universe?? Usually, I have to practically beat guys away with a stick. But now?? I can barely get a guy to flirt with me. I mean, on the one hand I really am enjoying being single, but on the other hand, I'm used to getting attention. Well...I don't know what's going on, but I'll take it as a learning experience. What am I supposed to be learning?? I have no idea.
Anyway, today, someone is going to propose, someone is going to be surprised, tons of people are going to receive cards, teddy bears, chocolates, flowers. But...what about the rest of the year?? I put today in the same category with Christmas: it's all about spending money, and making a big deal about sentiments you don't express during the other 364 days of the year. I mean, why is it only on Valentine's day that people want to surprise their special someone with dinner, tickets, flowers, etc?? Don't you love them year-round?? Why not show it some other time during the year...OTHER than their birthday??  (With Christmas, it's all about giving, giving, giving and everyone really starts getting into charity and giving to the poor....Um, they were poor in March, but I didn't see you forking over anything to help then!!)
Anyway, I guess I'm kinda glad I don't have that "special someone" because I am FLAT BROKE and wouldn't be able to participate in the consumerism. Ah well, everything happens for a reason.

Here's a little cliche stuff for all of you who need it today.

And a couple of em for the rest of us...

And one thing that explains it all...
That totally makes sense!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody.

Hop Along

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