Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Circle of Life

Well, I had an entirely different topic to post about today, but circumstances have dictated that I post about this...

"One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here..."

My daughter's great-grandmother passed away today. (That would be her father's mother's mom, so no, not related to me.)  I know that Gramma C is devastated. I mean, it's hard enough to lose a family member (even the furry ones), but it's gotta be REALLY hard to lose your mother. I am blessed to say that my mom is still with me. I am not even trying to THINK about the day when I will have to deal with this situation.
It's funny that I was just looking at a post on G+ earlier that said something about life being short, or procrastinating until tomorrow, until one day, tomorrow isn't here.  And it's so true.  You never know when the sun will set on your time. You don't always see it coming. You may not have time for "tomorrows".  There may not be tomorrow. Why not now??
My heart goes out to everyone who has lost someone they were close to. I can't imagine what you must have felt. So, I say this: before we lose another person that's close to us, why don't we go ahead and take the time to say what needs to be said to those who need to hear it. Apologize, say you love them, forgive them. Whatever unfinished business or bad blood there is between you and that someone you love, let it go. Life is too short to hold a grudge.  Think of it this way: What will hurt more; Saying something and wishing you hadn't, or NOT saying something and wishing you HAD??
There's no going back, there's only forward. So let's move forward with a clean slate for as long as we have (and we don't know how long that is).
And when the sun rises, and you get to see it, you have been given another chance to do what you haven't done (whatever that may be).

RIP Great-Gramma

*Listening to Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park*

Hop Along

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