Sunday, March 31, 2013


  That's exactly what it is. I've figured that much out. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to stop it. And without your permission or even any knowledge of how it happened, it gets worse. Much worse. And the next thing you know...
How do I keep that little sucker under control?? My mind, the sane one, takes the time to analyze the situation and begins to form a strategy. My heart, the idiot, dives in headfirst without checking if there's water in the pool. It's like crossing the street without looking both ways; the way MAY be clear, or you may end up as a hood ornament.
So, the heart somehow manages to override the mind...
And then I'm left looking back and thinking...
Mistakes, face-palm, retrospect, regret...
My mind, the sane one, takes the time to analyze the situation and begins to form a strategy...for next time. It's determined not to allow this to happen again. But it's not the one in control... 
My hands are tied, there's nothing I can do. Helpless, hopeless...
*Listening to "Powerless" by Linkin Park*
- Hop Along

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