Follow the Bad Bunny down the rabbit hole, take a ride on my train of thought and try to make sense of my random ramblings. See if you can get out with your sanity intact.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
My World, My Way
Ugh, I got a scratchy throat. Have had all day. I thought I was getting a cold but I don't have any other cold symptoms...anymore. I did have a runny nose this morning, but it was also fricken 36 degrees this morning too!! But now, it's just the sore throat. I have tried everything: cough drops, mints, hot tea, lemon, honey...tea, lemon and honey combined. Nothing seems to work. I'm enjoying the taste of the tea with honey and lemon (Celestial Seasonings Honey Vanilla Chamomile tea, added a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, some honey and a dash of pure vanilla extract) so I'm going to drink some more of that. If you're thinking it might be strep, I already looked it up. I don't have the symptoms of that either. It's just a pesky sore throat.
Well, I'm gonna go work on my story a little, before I have to go make cookies for tomorrow's potluck. Maybe you'll get to read some of it soon.
Hop Along
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Friday, December 7, 2012
Yeah, Pretty Much
Okay so I'm barely able to go to sleep right now cuz I'm SO excited about tomorrow night. What's going on tomorrow night?? I'm going to see Batman LIVE!! It's a circus/play/musical/AWESOME!! I'm so fricken excited. I feel like a kid on the first day of school or the night before Christmas, or the night before heading off to Disney World. Okay, that last one, I actually can't testify to since I've never been to Disney World, but I figure it's the same feeling. Whatever, I am wired. Sucky part is I gotta go to work first, and since I'm not asleep (let alone sleepy) I know I'm gonna be tired in the morning. And yeah, that's only helping me to get to sleep... Also, a really good friend of mine gave me some Batman stuff for an early Christmas present, and my Bestie is gonna get me a T-shirt at the show, and I have my car all Bat-geared up and...oh MAN!! SO excited. Does this make me a geek/nerd/dork/dweeb?? Yeah, pretty much. Do I give a flying fuzz?? Nope, not a one.
Hop Along
Oh, Not Again!!
Okay, so my day improved considerably yesterday. I had a few slightly rocky moments but overall, it turned out to be an okay day. Today...oh boy. Well, it's not that bad really, but I'm already having some rockiness and I hate it because it's really unnecessary. You ever have a person that you don't like, but you're not really sure why?? And then they say or do something and you're just like, "Oh!! THAT'S why I don't like you." Yeah, I've got a person like that that I have to work with. Luckily, I don't have to be around them that much, but the little bit of time I DO have to suffer their presence is just....torture.
Oh, well. I will just build a bridge and get over it. I'm looking forward to, I am DETERMINED to have a good day, dammit!!
Hop Along
Oh yeah, this day has turned out pretty fantastic. Well, actually, that's a bit of an exaggeration for two reasons. 1) The day isn't over yet, and 2) the day hasn't been fantastic. It's just been okay. Not that anything else bad or annoying happened, it's just that, so far, nothing spectacular has happened either. Oh well. Better than the alternative. But again, the day is not yet over and there's a few things yet that I am anticipating to alter my mood. But that's not now, so I won't worry about it. Right now, I am chilling. Mentally and physically. It's a beautiful thing. So, let's see what the afternoon brings me.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
I don't know what happened, but I am NOT having a good day today. I didn't take my medicine last night, so that could be a factor. But other than that, nothing is really different other than the fact that I feel like crap today. Most describe it simply as "one of those days". Maybe it's Mother Nature, maybe the Universe is out of line or...something. I don't know. I got up early thinking it was gonna be a good day. I felt rested, I felt ambitious. Now I just feel like sitting in a corner by myself, crying. Time is flying by. Good. Maybe that means this crappy day will be over before I know it. At least take away the crappy feelings. That would at least be something. I'm gonna go take my missed dose and see how I feel. I'll get back to you later.
Hop Along
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Sunday, December 2, 2012
Chapter One...
So, I was looking at some quotes online, right, and there was this one that said something to the effect of "How can you move on to the next page in your life if you keep re-reading the previous chapter?" And that got me to thinking...I have been doing a lot of re-reading lately. There's a couple of things that just won't go in the fuck-it bucket. I keep trying to put them there, but then I go digging in there and pull them back out. Why?? Why can't I let go of this one thing?? And even more curious, the one thing is something I would rather not hold on to. It's like "oh, that's something I told myself I don't want to remember." Anyway, the point is I keep thinking about my stupid ex and it's driving me nuts (in a BAD way)!! I don't want to be with him, I don't like him, I don't trust him. And yet I keep thinking about him when I hear love songs, or when I see a sweet quote, or when I see a happy couple together. Now, before you say something stupid like "Well, obviously, you're still in love with him," I want to go on record as saying that nothing could be further from the truth. I know the reason is because (a) He was my most recent relationship, and (b) I am thinking about the things I was really hoping could happen. The things I want to happen for me.
I think about how things could have been if things had worked out for the better. I think about what I still hope can happen for me (just not with him). I dream of happy endings and fairytale romance. Call me a hopeless romantic if you want, but I would tell you that you are mistaken: I am a hopeful romantic.
While my views of romantic dotings are a little poisoned by my previous encounters, I still have high hopes that things really can turn out okay, and that (some) people really do live (mostly) happily ever after, until death does them part.
So, because of these romantic ideas, and hopes and dreams, I would like to stop the re-reading of my previous chapter and begin a whole new book. I will call it my true-life love story. When I find my Prince Charming, I will begin my story, and do my best not to compare it to any of my previous tales of woe. I will start fresh and new with Chapter One.
P.S. I would like to dedicate this photo to my ex, may he forever suffer the pain of love lost.
~Hop Along
Monday, November 19, 2012
Just Let It Go
The thought process is totally different ever since I developed that fuck-it bucket. And let me say, a LOT of stuff has made its way into the bucket. There's just stuff I figured out I don't have to care about, so why should I?? I can allow my mind to work on much more meaningful stuff. I mean, like this entry for example. And don't get me wrong, my life is far from perfect still, because things keep popping up in my mind trying to get some quality thought time, and then I realize that these are things from my past and there is nothing I can do about them now. Guess where they go after that....INTO THE BUCKET!! It's become almost a catchphrase, like "Off with his head!!" or "Release the hounds!!"
I freakin love it!!
Now, I must put this one thing into the bucket after I publicly atone for a mistake that caused someone I love to have hurt feelings. You have to understand the relationship I used to have with this person, the relationship I thought we would have, and the relationship he said we could never have...
I understand that my actions were probably hurtful in their context, but at the same time, he and I were not (and according to him) could never be together. Okay, then, if thats the case, my actions should not have bothered him so much. If he truly believed what he'd said, none of that would have hurt. It may have surprised him, caught him off guard, but...other than that, he really has/had no grounds to be hurt. UNLESS he had changed his mind, in which case he should have said something to me and maybe (just MAYBE...and then again, maybe not) things could have been different. But he didn't, and they're not, so...all I have to say about it, and then I'm moving on, is this: to he who may never read this....I am sincerely sorry. And: INTO THE BUCKET!!
Aahh...that's freeing.
One more thing. Allow me to literally illustrate the thought process of the fuck-it bucket. Maybe you can use it in your own life to make things a little easier.
Hop Along
Monday, November 12, 2012
Like A Child...
Last night I experienced something I've not had in a long time: I had nightmares. I actually laid awake crying, I was so scared. I remember hearing voices. Horrible, evil, demonic voices. I couldn't understand their words, but the effect they had on me still....I damn-near wet myself.
I haven't experienced something so scary in awhile. And that's including our trip to Creepy World where I saw both a zombie clown and anima-tronic mannequins (two things that are scary enough on their own in my mind, but worse when enhanced by the frightful mood of Halloween).
I lay clutching my Skelanimals panda bear, Andy, peering into the darkness of the room, hoping the fear would leave me. It didn't. My heart pounded fiercely and my breathing was shallow. I couldn't calm down, no matter what I tried.
When I fell asleep, I drifted into a nightmare of vivid horrors, although I cannot remember them now. When I lay awake, I feared going back to sleep but knew I must, or go to work unrested.
Tonight, I'll try again to sleep restfully. I hope Andy can keep the night frights at bay.
Goodnight. sleep.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Just Popping In With A Quick Word
So that's what going on right now.
Oh, and one more thing...
"Remember, remember, the fifth of November..." - V For Vendetta
Hop Along
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Sunday, November 4, 2012
And I'll Tell You Something Else....
The way I figure it, a lot is about to happen in a short amount of time and no one is really prepared for it. Okay, let's start with the hurricane. First of all, as far as that is concerned...I have to be controversial. I'm not saying that ANYONE deserved all that death and destruction. I AM going to say that the rich white people now know what the poor black people had to deal with when Katrina hit. Heh, FEMA didn't get there fast enough, huh?? The president didn't do enough for you?? The public acts like they don't care?? Yeah, same thing. Just different people. I mean, think about it, it sucks when it happens to someone else, but it REALLY sucks when it happens to you.
So here's the problem that I think is about to happen: plagues. New York has a really bad rat problem. But rats don't have a problem swimming (why do you think they live in the sewers??). With all the water that the hurricane pushed inland, rats will be swimming inland. And they can't swim forever, so they'll be looking for higher, drier ground. And with the rats, will come the fleas. And with the fleas, disease. Yuck.
So, that's what I'm predicting. Only time will tell.
Hop Along
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Working a 9 to....Infinity
A hamster on a running wheel. Yep, that about sums up some people's life. Mine is more like....a spiral or a wheel of fortune with no good fortunes on there. Just the same stuff keeps going around and around, and happening again and again....
But let me start with the hamster. Why is it some people allow that to be their way of life?? They are busting their hump everyday at a going-nowhere job...for what?? To continue to struggle?? To never advance?? I mean, they have no ambition of being promoted, yet they complain that they aren't making enough, or that their job isn't challenging. Or that their bored at work. I understand that just switching to a better paying job is easier said than done but, geez!! If you do nothing different, nothing will ever be different.
Which brings me to my own life. For me, I am mostly speaking about the relationship department. I have a job, my own car...not my own place at the moment, but, hey you gotta do what you gotta do in this economy. Anyway, I'm not ugly, and I'm not a bitch. And yet I'm single. Why?? If people out there like Honey Boo Boo's mom can have a boyfriend (okay, to be fair, he's probably only with her for the money and the fame, but...) know what I'm getting at. I joked with a friend that I was going to become a lesbian because it has become painfully apparent that men ain't worth shit. Then, why do I want one?? Because that's the way I envision my life. My kids (who already exist) will live in a house with 2 parents (although, obviously only ONE will be biological) who have a good strong relationship and NOT be dysfunctional. That is what I want for myself. I just want to be happy. What's wrong with that??
And it would be one thing if that was the only thing that seems to be cycling. But it's not. I also keep having the same issues in my life. Like, these repeating bouts of depression. I'm trying to figure out what is causing me to spiral down into them. I felt the last bout coming on, but it made no difference. I'm depressed now. I couldn't make it go away. I think this is the longest one I've had. It has lasted about 2 years. The medicine helps but that's not a cure. I have researched depression, and the main cause is the person themselves. So what does that tell you?? *mirthless grin* I am my own freakin problem. And the problem with depressed people that keeps them depressed is that they keep thinking about things that have happened to them. The past. They live in the past. Well, you can't live in the future but you can live in the now. That's what I've been working on, and that's where I become that damn hamster. Trying so hard, but never really getting anywhere. I mostly live in the past because I'm trying not to let it become my future. If I can figure out what I did wrong, I can change it. "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." I sure as hell don't want to be doomed.
Hop Along
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Haunted Houses
"Darkness falls across the land. The midnight hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood to terrorize y'all's neighborhood. And those whosoever shall be found without the soul for getting down, must stand and face the hounds of Hell and rot inside a corpse's shell. The foulest stench is in the air, the funk of forty thousand years, and grisly ghouls from every tomb are closing in to seal your doom. And though you fight to stay alive, your body starts to shiver. For no mere mortal can resist the evil of the Thriller."
- Hop Along
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Monday, October 29, 2012
London Bridge Isn't Falling Down
*listening to "Given Up" by Linkin Park*
--Hop Along
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Sunday, October 28, 2012
And then when all was said and done, we all gathered around and watched as the zombies broke out into the Thriller dance. It was awesome!!!!!
-Hop Along
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Friday, October 26, 2012
We Have Nothing to Fear But Fear Itse--AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We went through, and there were actors making loud sudden noises behind the walls, at times even under your feet. Some, wearing masks, were mixed in amongst gruesome and gory mannequins would follow you closely as you would walk by, growling or moaning in your ear. (Some would just stare at you menacingly.) Others would walk out of the shadows shouting, and still others would stand stalk-still until you thought they were mannequins, and at the last minute would jump at you screaming. Then we would come out of the house and think the scary part was over (*big sigh of relief*) when an actor would suddenly charge from the shadows and chase you with a roaring chainsaw!! (*Somehow manage to keep control of bladder**run, scream*) One guy at the end of the walk chased several girls right out into the parking lot. (I laughed at them cuz it wasn't me.)
There was one part where we went on a hayride and were allowed to use paintball guns to shoot any zombies we saw. That was awesome!! Then we had to go through another house while wearing 3D glasses. There were strobe lights, fog machines, a couple of parts in complete darkness, mannequins, animatronics, scary masks, scary makeup, different themes for each was AWESOME!!
My voice is hoarse, my throat is sore, my toes are cold, but I will go to sleep tonight and not have any bad dreams because my body is in adrenaline crash mode. (Kinda like a caffeine or sugar crash but for the adrenal glands. Also, because I got these little things called sleeping pills...perfect for inducing dreamless sleep.)
My point is, I STILL don't get it, about the being-scared-on-purpose-for-fun thing, but I had a blast tonight.
...uugh, I'm gonna look and feel like a zombie when I get up.
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself...and spiders." <~ something I have on a pin, and I totally agree with it.
--Hop Along
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So Like I Was Saying...
A woman on the other hand will spot a handsome man, and admire him from a distance, all the while telling herself that he wouldn't be interested in her anyway, that he's probably into the model types. Very rarely (if ever) will a woman gather her courage and approach the handsome man.
I WANNA KNOW WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Why do we defeat ourselves before we have even begun?? Why do we automatically get insecure and make excuses that we have no proof of?? Why do we talk ourselves out of what COULD be a good situation. I mean, even if no relationship comes of it (and you don't have to have a relationship come out of every encounter), you could have a great new friend. Or, maybe he is Prince Charming. *shrug* Either way, we won't know because we're too afraid to take that chance in the first place.
You know what though?? Someone told me one time, and I figure this to be true on some level as well, that it's the man's job to prove to the woman that he is worthy of her time. I mean, think about it, even in the animal kingdom, the male of almost every species the males have to perform some feat of prowess to impress the female for the right to mate with her. He has to prove his worth. Well, I don't see why the same can't be said of humans. I mean, no woman wants a weak man to father her children. So I figure in the first encounter, the male should approach the female. However, if a female should see an acceptable suitor, she shouldn't feel any less about herself for wanting to approach him. I say grow some balls and walk right up to him and prove to him that he would be the luckiest man around just to be seen talking to you!!
*Listening to "Stole My Heart" by Little and Ashley*
~~ Hop Along
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Another Day, Another Dollar
Man, it got cold outside. Yesterday, it was about 80 degrees; today, it's down to about 50. And windy. I hope it dies down by this evening. I have plans to go to Creepy World.
One thing that keeps crossing my mind is relationships and my lack of one. Not that I NEED a relationship to define me, no, that's not what I'm saying. What I AM saying is that I am not in a relationship and I'm not looking either. I will flirt my butt off, but don't expect anything to come of it. Not happening. More on that subject later. Gotta go make these pennies.
P.S. Saw this yesterday, still haven't figured out what it means, but I like the way it sounds:
"Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything. That's how light gets in."
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Thursday, October 25, 2012
I Dream a Little Dream...
The dream slipped into some other weirdness that made sense only in my sleeping mind but I will continue to think about Josh and our connection. I mean, was that some sort of premonition?? Or was it wishful thinking?? Was it my subconscious replaying part of my recent past in a more positive light?? (I sure as hell hope not.) I know one thing...I want to find Josh, whoever he is. After all, his scent is on my heart.
BTW, that is actually a picture of me when I was about 4.
- Hop Along
Early to Bed, Early to Rise...
Man, I am really hungry right now. Maybe I'll go ahead and get up and eat and then go back to reading.
"The sun is rising. The light comes to chase shadows back to their corners. Winter is coming." - A Game of Thrones
- Hop Along
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Darkness Falls
Good night all. I should have plenty to talk about (I've been having strange, almost-make-sense dreams). Should be an interesting journey into the medicated subconscious.
Hop Along!! - Bad Bunny
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Here We Go Again...
I'm starting a new life. A new me. Well, that's what I plan to do. But it's easier said than done. Not to mention some things that I would like to change seem to want to stay the same. I want to change the way people see me. I want to change my financial situation. Firstly, I want to change the way I think. I think that's the hardest thing. I mean, I do yoga every morning (well, ALMOST every morning) and I try to calm my mind and spirit, and yet when I enter a particular situation (interacting with my ex...), I start to have serious anxiety attacks. I don't know what to do to make it stop. I try thinking of something calming. I try to breathe deeply and apply my meditation methods all to no avail. I always walk away feeling shaky and sick to my stomach. I try to tell myself that because we are only recently broken up, that dealing with him will be awkward for awhile. But I also know that there is an energy about him. A negative energy that I can sense and it affects me. I just have to figure out how to turn myself off to his negative vibe.
Besides that, work is going well. I enjoy my new duties. I love not being stuck in one place all the time. I love not knowing what's next. I love the variety, however so slight. Money wise, I'm doing alright. I feel like nothing much has changed there. Although I did accomplish some things recently that would have been harder, if not impossible while living in my apartment.
Regarding the company I keep...It cracks me up to see all the guys at work flirting with me. A couple of them have come right out and said that they like me. Here's the thing though: one of them is unavailable, he has a girlfriend that he lives with. And yet he very openly flirts with me, as though anything could come of it. The other guy...he's really nice, and in another life, I might have even considered giving him a shot. But I have taken a vow of non-fraternization: I am NOT going to date another coworker. I will flirt and tease until the cows come home, but nothing will come of any of it. I have learned my lesson as far as that goes.
My best friend remains, as always, the best. He bothers me with some of the things he says but, because he's my friend, I can take it all with a large grain of salt, build a bridge and get over it, ya know?? I would like to acquire more female friends and go and hang out with them all the time. But I also know that if I had more friends, I would seek to be alone more often. I'm trying to find the happy medium.
Well, anyway, I feel like I need a nap. Gonna go lie down. Or read. Or something.
"It's all about me. Deal with it" - Happy Bunny