Storms have been blowing through this region over the last week or so. Tornadoes, thunder storms, pouring rain. When it's not storming, the weather is JUST nice enough to roll your windows down and enjoy the post-rain breeze. Like spring has finally arrived, but is way more than fashionably late, and trying to share the spotlight with the incoming summer.
So, as I look at how this pertains to my life, I notice a similarity...only in reverse. I was just starting to enjoy the seemingly calm and lazy days of summer when the wind started to blow, warning me of the incoming storm in the horizon. The air smells of anger and regret, of all the things I would much prefer to forget. The things I "miss": mis-takes, missed opportunities, mis-steps, mis-direction, mis-spoken words and mis-guided intentions.
I know that I'm strong enough to weather the storm, just as I have so many times before. I just don't want to have to roll up my windows and break out the umbrella again. I also know that after the storm is over, however long it may rage, the air will be clean and sweet and the sun will shine again.

Listening to "I Think It's Going to Rain Today" By Bette Midler
-- Hop Along
I LOVE that you and your sister have such a "gift" when it comes to writing. Your stories invite the reader in and holds him captive with your expressive use of words until the end. I havn't read ALL your posts, (there may be content there, I don't want to know about) but I'm sure they are equally engaging and entertaining. Keep feeding this natural talent and see what "bunny trails" it may lead you too. Eldridge-Cole "passion2empower"