You ever have one of those days when you have to give yourself a pep talk before you leave the house?? One of those days when you just need some words of encouragement to get you going?? Well, I’m here to tell you that I got some words of encouragement from the most interesting of places....the wrappers of my cough drops. But you know what?? I’ll take what I can get. I’ve also found a couple of fortune cookie papers that gave me some good words too. So since I had a couple of rough patches today, I looked to my little pack of pocket cheerleaders to keep me going. It said stuff like, “Conquer the day” and, “ You got this!!” Kind of sucks when life gives you a little squirt of lemon, but then out of nowhere, you get some salt and some tequila and, BOOM, everything’s alright!!So I want to give some words of encouragement to anyone out there who may be having a rough day, or maybe just feeling kinda down.
Worrying is not going to make things any better. Life will find a way to make it okay. Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end. So hang in there, you’ll be fine. Freak out and throw stuff if you have to (hopefully in an environment where it’s safe to do something like that), but know that it’s going to be okay. If you can do anything about your situation, get off your ass and do something about it!! If you can’t....why are you worrying about it?? Chuck that shit into the fuck-it bucket and move on to bigger and better things. Let life deal with the stuff you can’t do anything about.
Look at yourself in the mirror every morning and tell yourself these simple words: I’ve got this!!
And point to yourself. And believe it. Because it’s true. So get out there and do the damn thing!! Kick ass and take names!! You’ve been through tougher!! Hang in there!! You got this!! Go you!!
-Hop Along
Listening to The Greatest By Sia
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