The thought process is totally different ever since I developed that fuck-it bucket. And let me say, a LOT of stuff has made its way into the bucket. There's just stuff I figured out I don't have to care about, so why should I?? I can allow my mind to work on much more meaningful stuff. I mean, like this entry for example. And don't get me wrong, my life is far from perfect still, because things keep popping up in my mind trying to get some quality thought time, and then I realize that these are things from my past and there is nothing I can do about them now. Guess where they go after that....INTO THE BUCKET!! It's become almost a catchphrase, like "Off with his head!!" or "Release the hounds!!"
I freakin love it!!
Now, I must put this one thing into the bucket after I publicly atone for a mistake that caused someone I love to have hurt feelings. You have to understand the relationship I used to have with this person, the relationship I thought we would have, and the relationship he said we could never have...
I understand that my actions were probably hurtful in their context, but at the same time, he and I were not (and according to him) could never be together. Okay, then, if thats the case, my actions should not have bothered him so much. If he truly believed what he'd said, none of that would have hurt. It may have surprised him, caught him off guard, but...other than that, he really has/had no grounds to be hurt. UNLESS he had changed his mind, in which case he should have said something to me and maybe (just MAYBE...and then again, maybe not) things could have been different. But he didn't, and they're not, so...all I have to say about it, and then I'm moving on, is this: to he who may never read this....I am sincerely sorry. And: INTO THE BUCKET!!
Aahh...that's freeing.
One more thing. Allow me to literally illustrate the thought process of the fuck-it bucket. Maybe you can use it in your own life to make things a little easier.
Hop Along